Solder wicking test procedures for electrical connectors 电连接器焊料吸液作用试验程序
Fiber optic cable water wicking test 光缆的水芯吸试验
The non - wicking cable entry provides positive protection against moisture penetration 无芯电缆能够防止免受潮湿的侵袭。
A study on the correlation between wicking altitude and twist of coolmax composite yarn 复合纱线毛细效应与纱线捻度的关系
Factors effecting on the wicking of epoxy resin in capillaries of unidirectional fibre bundles 单向纤维集束的树脂浸润影响因素
Standard test method for determining wicking of glass fiber blanket insulation aircraft type 玻璃纤维衬垫绝缘材料芯吸性测定的标准试验方法
Standard test method for air wicking of tire fabrics , tire cord fabrics , tire cord , and yarns 轮胎帘布织物轮胎帘布轮胎帘线及纱线的气体芯吸的标准试验方法
Testing coated fabrics - methods 21a and 21b - methods for determination of resistance to wicking and lateral leakage 涂覆织物试验.第18部分:方法21a及21b .抗芯吸和侧向泄漏测定方法
Neoprene grommet and complete epoxy encapsulation provide for a true non - wicking cable entry . an isolating cable chamber is not needed 氯丁橡胶绝缘垫圈和全部环氧树脂密封,提供真正的无芯电缆连接。不需要另外配置绝缘电缆盒。
A new method of yam waterproof finished before the fabric dyed in producing knitted fabric of waterproof and moisture wicking is put forward in this article 摘要提出了先对纱线进行拒水整理,再对面料进行染色来生产拒水导湿针织面料的新方法。