She whisked the crumbs from the table . 她拂去桌子上的碎屑。
The mouse whisked into its hole . 这只老鼠急速地跑进洞去。
Fleur whisked round, threw him a wave of her hand . 芙蕾一个转身,向他扬一扬手。
The dog came whisking its tail . 狗摇着尾巴来了。
The horse brushed off the flies with a whisk of its tail . 这匹马用尾巴一挥,赶走了苍蝇。
The waiter whisked away the food before we had finished . 服务员没等我们吃完就把饭菜都拿走了。
She whisked her car into a handy self-serve parking lot . 她把车急忙开到就近一个无人管理的停车场。
We were whisked off in a taxi before we knew where we were . 我们还未明白是在哪里,就被计程车载走了。
She had whisked away mr. rushworth's pink satin cloak with the instinctive caution as her brother-in-law entered . 当她妹夫进来的时候,出于本能的谨慎,她赶紧把罗么渥兹先生的红段子斗篷收起来。