when adv. 1.〔疑问〕什么时候,几时。 W- did you see him (这以前)你几时见他的? 2.〔关系,引导定语从句〕当…的时候。 He came at a time when I least expected him. 他在我最想不到的时候来了。 3.从前境况差时。brag of having known sb. when 夸耀自己是某人过去的患难之交[布衣之交]。 1.当…的时候。 2.(刚)…就…。 3.如果。 4.然后。 5.既然。 6.可是,却。 Come when you please. 你高兴的时候来好啦。 I was just going to speak, when the bell rang. 我刚要讲,钟就响了。 Why use wood when you can use plastic 既然能用塑料,何必非用木料? Please ring me up when she comes. 如果她来了,请打电话给我。 I stayed till noon, when I went home. 我留到中午,然后就回家了。 We have only three books when we need five. 我们要五本书,可是只有三本。 He walks when he might ride. 可以坐车,他却走路。 when all comes to all 结果。 when due 到期时。 when (he was) king 做国王时。 when in position 恢复原位后。 pron. 1.〔疑问〕什么时候。Till when can you stay 你可以待到什么时候? 2.〔关系〕那时。 They left on Monday, since when we have heard nothing. 他们星期一动身,以后就没有消息了。 n. 时候,时间,日期,场合。 the when and the where 时间和地点。
When i finally saw the cardinal, i was under whelmed . 当我最后看到红雀车时,我的心全凉了。
She was whelmed in sorrow . 她沉浸在忧愁中。
They accepted the pleasures of morning, the bright sun, the whelming sea and sweet air, as a time when play was good and life so full that hope was not necessary and therefore forgotten . 他们领略了早晨的各种乐趣,灿烂的阳光,滚滚的大海和清新的空气,既玩得痛快,生活又如此充实,“希望”变得不是必要的了,它也就被忘却了。
We whelm with tears at this time 我们在这个时刻不由得感动泪流。
Page 18 : the duke felt over - whelmed , backed into a corner 城主完全被打击淹没了,简直被逼到绝路。
If elfarran be not my own , i will unsay segoy ' s word , i will unmake the islands , the white waves will whelm all 叶芙阮若非我所有,我将毁言兮果乙之字,我将毁灭岛屿,由白浪淹没万世。
They accepted the pleasures of morning , the bright sun , the whelming sea and sweet air , as a time when play was good and life so full that hope was not necessary and therefore forgotten 他们领略了早晨的各种乐趣,灿烂的阳光,滚滚的大海和清新的空气,既玩得痛快,生活又如此充实, “希望”变得不是必要的了,它也就被忘却了。
Things have been improving since those darks days , but the comeback story is getting a little stale with investors , who are tired that the company always seems to under whelm and lower expectations 这段黑暗时期过后,情况出现了好转,但这样的复苏故事已让投资者感到有些厌倦,他们已被该公司的平淡业绩和低下预期弄得疲惫不堪。
As to the men , they were not numerous . there were ten or fifteen of them at the outside , and if we except four tall fellows who had come to see the sight and were cracking jokes and taking things easy , they behaved humbly enough amid this whelming flood of petticoats 饭店里的男客,为数不多,至多十到十五人,在这潮水般的裙子中间,他们的态度十分谦恭,只有四个汉子是专门来看看这一场面的,他们说说笑笑,无拘无束。
1998 - 1999 , with mtv , taught me a lot about myself and gave me many exciting opportunities to explore and improve my self - confidence in more ways than i could ever imagine i traveled , produced my own shows , at times , and experienced the ultimate high in terms of stardom , something totally unexpected and over whelming . 1998 - 1999在mtv公司的两年中,我学会了很多的东西,也让我能有许多难得机会来提高我的自信,并以各种我所无法设想到的方法拓展自己我到处旅行,做自己的节目秀,与许多一流的演艺名人共事。一些事多是很难想象和期望的。