H . l . lee , v . padmanabhan , and s . whang . information distortion in supply chains . sloan management review , 38 : 93 - 102 , 1997 使在信息更新环境下,供应链的协作管理研究变得更为活跃。
He also received his jurisprudence doctoral degree from indiana university . during the time of his law school , mr . whang participated in various internship programs sponsored by indiana attorney generals office and marion county civil and criminal courts . through such programs , he mastered legal research skills , and assisted judges and state attorneys in preparing legal documents , briefs , office memorandum , and motions 黄律师于著名的印地安那大学布鲁明顿分校完成大学学业,并于该校的法学院取得法学博士的学位在法学院时黄律师即累积了丰富的经验,入选参与印州总捡察长名下主办的实习课程,并在州民事及刑事法院实习担任法官助理累积了丰富的诉讼及辩论的经验
From year 2000 through 2002 , mr . whang worked at ahn law firm , a private law firm located in houston , texas , and primarily engaged in the areas of immigration , civil litigations , business law , and real estate law . during his employment , mr . whang handled cases with great devotion and vigorously prosecuted and defended complex litigations 黄律师于毕业后先为休市的安权律师事务所工作,专门负责该所的移民业务及诉讼准备及开庭,之后加入本所黄律师文笔流畅,在职业类移民方面有相当独到的经验及见解,是一位相当难得优秀的律师
the act of hitting vigorously; "he gave the table a whack" 同义词:knock, belt, rap, whack,
attack forcefully; "whang away at the school reform plan"