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用"wageningen"造句"wageningen"怎么读"wageningen" in a sentence


  • 荷兰的一个城市名
  • 瓦格宁根
  • 瓦罕宁恩
  • 瓦赫宁恩
  • 瓦赫宁根
  • 瓦黑宁恩


  • In support of this idea , later analysis of the sediment at wageningen university in the netherlands proved that many of the brown sand grains were indeed fragments of the dark - colored schists and other rocks that began washing away as the newborn andes rose up
  • Also honoured for cheese research , bart knols from wageningen agricultural university in the netherlands won the biology award for his part in research showing that female malaria mosquito are equally attracted to limburger cheese and human feet
  • Also honoured for cheese research , bart knols from wageningen agricultural university in the netherlands won the biology award for his part in research showing that female malaria mosquito are equally attracted to limburger cheese and human feet
  • " momentum can explain some of the poor swimming in larvae , but not all , and the difference in coasting ability cannot be explained by differences in body length either , " said study leader ulrike muller of wageningen university in the netherlands
  • This seminar is organized in cooperation with caas chinese academy of agricultural sciences and wur wageningen university research center . this seminar is the kick - off of a new approach : a demand driven strategic cooperation between china and the netherlands in the area of food nutrition
  • Based on the analysis on the current situation and characteristics and evaluation system of research management in wageningen university , this paper argues that the goal of science research management was not be realized clearly , policies were carried out less effectively and science fruits were not employed in practice


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