It shows sufficiently that miscellaneous drama that describes thoughts provides special artistic value of discourse space for ordinary literati as well as for writer's wandering between elegance and vulgarness through manifold ways, such as the practice of expressing will and emotion, the special meaning revealed by autobiographic artistic expression and the natural artistic manner similar to essays of the late ming dynasty 通过自我抒情言志和高扬主体精神的“写心”作法、因自传性艺术演述凸显出来的特殊意味,以及与晚明小品灵动自然、清新隽永之艺术格调的同构对应等,都充分显示出《写心杂剧》既徘徊于雅俗之间,同时又为普通文人提供了特殊的话语空间的艺术价值。