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用"voxels"造句"voxels"怎么读"voxels" in a sentence


  • 三维像素


  • A true 3d volumetric display is a completely new 3d image display technique , which generates voxels in the 3d data field directly
    真三维立体显示( true3dvolumetricdisplay )是一种全新的三维图像显示技术。
  • So this paper bring about a new algorithm named of region growing method for finding the voxels , applying the new algorithm in reconstructing model will speed up the process
  • The ann principle was applied to tgs transmission image reconstruction , and then the ann algorithm was performed in computer simulation with a tgs transmission model of 9 voxels ( 3x3 ) , each voxel of 5cmx5cmx5cm
  • There are 107 detection efficiency matrix elements for a 10 10 16 ( 1600 voxels ) tgs sample , for such a large matrix , it seems impossible and unrealistic to calibrate experimentally as usually done for routine gamma - ray spectrometry measurement
    对于10 10 16体素组成的tgs样品,探测效率矩阵元的数量级约为10 ~ 7 。对于如此庞大的探测效率矩阵,如果象常规能谱刻度一样采用实验方法刻度,几乎是不可能的,也是不现实的。
  • The thesis investigates fourier volume rendering profoundly and implements a rendering engine , we find some problems of fourier volume rendering and propose a method to solve the problems , implement an algorithm using projection of macro voxels , and we also propose a new kind of parallel fourier volume rendering algorithm


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