Obviously the force of gravity mg is acting vertically downward . 显然重力的Mg作用垂直向下。
It starts from rest and falls vertically downward with uniform acceleration . 它从静止开始以匀加速度竖直下落。
The reflection point will, generally, not lie vertically below the observation point . 一般情况下,反射点并不在观测点的正下方。
Hydrocarbous are thus trapped and cannot escape either updip or vertically . 因此烃类被圈闭,无论在上倾方向或垂直方向都不能散失。
W is attached to a bar, movable vertically around an axis a and suspended by the helical spring f . 摆锤W装在一根杆上,在轴A周围垂直移动,它由螺旋弹簧F所悬挂。
In fig 8-8, the pendulum, consisting perhaps of a large wooden block of mass m', hangs vertically by two cords . 在图88中,冲击摆是由两条线竖直悬挂着质量为M’的大木块所构成。
It will be launched vertically from remodeled apollo pads at the john f. kennedy space center at cape canaveral, fla . 它将在佛罗里达州长纳维拉尔角肯尼迪空间中心从改进过的阿波罗发射架垂直发射。
If no wind is blowing, raindrops fall vertically and a man at rest with an umbrella directly over his head does not get wet . 如果不刮风,雨点是垂直下落的,一个静止不动的人,头上有一把雨伞,就不会淋湿。
This is the formula for a thick vertically faulted slab with such a large throw that the downthrow side makes no contribution to the gravitational force . 这是有垂直断层的厚板体的公式,其断层的落差是这样大,以致下落翼对重力场没有什么影响。
Note the label will print vertically on the page 请注意,标签将垂直于页面打印。