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用"verifiability"造句"verifiability"怎么读"verifiability" in a sentence


  • 可核实性
  • 可检验性
  • 可验证性
  • 可证实的
  • 能证明;能证实


  • The following issues generate verifiability errors
  • Cryptanalysis and improvement of a signcryption scheme with public verifiability
  • Lists the issues that will generate verifiability errors when compiling with clr : safe
    列出用/ clr : safe进行编译时将生成可验证性错误的问题。
  • Clrimagetype lets you specify a lower level of verifiability , if that is what you need
    / clrimagetype允许您根据需要指定较低级别的可验证性。
  • The verifiability of value - judgment : john dewey ' s criticism on the anti - value theory of logical positivism
  • Management accounting places less emphasis on verifiability and more emphasis on nonmonetary data
  • When passing mixed objects in the same build , the verifiability of the resulting output file will , by default , be equal to the lowest level of verifiability of the input modules
  • When passing mixed . objs in the same build , the verifiability of the resulting output file will , by default , be equal to the lowest level of verifiability of the input modules
    编译的msil . obj文件。在相同版本中传递混合. obj时,默认情况下,得到的输出文件的可验证性等于输入模块的最低级别可验证性。
  • This problem negated the rationality of science . logical empirist agreed the reason of science and producted systematical theory of verifiability , but the principal of verifiability suffered from criticism because it negated the verifiability of science propsition
    这就是著名的“休谟问题” 、 “归纳问题” 。逻辑实证主义者承认科学的合理性,并提出了系统的证实理论。
  • The problem of induction and principal of verifiability leads to carnap ' s theory directly . at the 18th century , the philosophy hume doubted general statement can induct from purticular statement , which called " hume problem " and " induction problem "
  • 更多例句:  1  2
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