the popular verdict 公众的意见。 a verdict for the plaintiff 原告胜诉的评决。 What is your verdict on the coffee 你觉得这咖啡怎么样? an open verdict 存疑裁决〔指判定某行为有罪而不确知犯人,或指死因未详的裁决〕。 a partial verdict 部分裁判〔只判定行为的一部分有罪〕。 a privy [sealed] verdict 密封裁决书〔陪审员在法官休庭后交给法院书吏的初步书面裁决〕。 a special verdict 特别裁决〔陪审团只提供已证明的事实,交由法庭进行判决〕。 bring in [deliver, give, return] a verdict of ‘not guilty' (陪审团)评决无罪。 pass one's verdict upon 对…下判断。 to reverse the verdict 翻案。
(law) the findings of a jury on issues of fact submitted to it for decision; can be used in formulating a judgment 同义词:finding of fact,
In law, a verdict is the formal finding of fact made by a jury on matters or questions submitted to the jury by a judge.(see Black's Law Dictionary, p.
verdictとは意味:verdict n. (陪審員の)評決; 判断; 意見. 【動詞+】 ◆accept a verdict 評決に服する accept the verdict of the majority 多数の意見に従う ◆The next day the verdict was announced in court. 翌日評決が法廷で言い渡された ◆appeal a verdict 評決を不服として上告する...