And the greatest ventriloquist in all of england 和全英格兰最伟大的口技家
Whispering i don't wanna talk about this ! fucking ventriloquist -我不想谈这个-不要这么小声!
"i'm an accomplished ventriloquist ? “我是个熟练的口技高手”?
[whispering ] i don't wanna talk about this ! fucking ventriloquist -我不想谈这个-不要这么小声!
But that's-now it sounds almost more iike a ventriloquist 可是,现在那声音听起来就像口技演员一样。
But that's-- now it sounds almost more iike a ventriloquist 可是,现在那声音听起来就像口技演员一样。
Uncle jojo the ventriloquist 你就是会腹语的jojo
It turned out that this place sold props for ventriloquists was also a magic shop . so instead of walking out with a dummy, i ended up with a bag of tricks 1987年,大卫从防范森严的美国阿尔卡特拉联邦监狱逃脱,成为历史上第一个逃出此监狱的人。
The result is to redirect the subject's sense of self from his real hand to the rubber hand in a way analogous to the redirection employed by a ventriloquist when he makes his dummy “ speak ” 结果将把接受试验的人的本身自我意识进行转移?认为真手成了假手,这类似于一个口技表演人在让他的玩偶“说话”时所造成的感知转移。