They vegetated the hills behind their house 他们在他们的屋后的山上种植被。
The vegetables in the garden vegetate vigorously 园子里的植物在茁壮成长。
K-l les of shallow-water turbulent flow in open channels with a vegetated domain 带有植物的河道水流浅水紊流运动大涡模拟
An estimation of brightness temperature for vegetated surface by matrix doubling method and iem 用双矩阵法和积分方程模型估算地表的亮度温度
Applying the radar technology to estimate relative change of soil moisture in vegetated area 应用极化雷达估算农作物覆盖地区土壤水分相对变化
Evapotranspiration is the total evaporation from moist soil and from vegetated surfaces plus transpiration 湿润土壤及植物表面的总蒸发量加上蒸腾量称为蒸散量。
Evapotranspiration is the total evaporation from moist soil and from vegetated surfaces plus transpiration 湿润土壤及植物表面的总蒸发量加上蒸腾量称为蒸散量。
However, the accuracy of aod values over the coastal ocean may be less optimal than those over green vegetated land 但是近岸海域气溶胶光学厚度数值的准确度可能较有绿色植物覆盖的陆地为低。
However, the accuracy of aod values over the coastal ocean may be less optimal than those over green vegetated land 但是近岸海域气溶胶光学厚度数值的准确度可能较有绿色植物覆盖的陆地为低。
Deserts have expanded to overtake previously vegetated areas, accelerated in some cases by overgrazing of domesticated animals 沙漠已经扩大,侵占着先前的植被覆盖地区,在某些地区,由于过度放牧沙漠化的速度正在加快。