Strangers are picked up for vagrancy after three days . 外地人来此超过三天的一律以流浪罪加以拘捕。
Emotional vagrancy and ethics in kundra ' s novels 昆德拉小说中的情感流浪与生命伦理
Issues of education to the child vagrancies in china 对我国流浪儿童教育问题的探讨
Sometimes , perhaps vagrancy has become a habit 有的时候,或许流浪已经成为一种习惯。
Chambliss . " a sociological analysis of the law of vagrancy . 流浪者法律之社会学分析。
The tradition of occupational vagrancy and protection of street children 职业化流浪传统与儿童发展
Chambliss , william . " a sociological analysis of the law of vagrancy . 对流浪者法律的社会学分析> 。
Chambliss , william . " a sociological analysis of the law of vagrancy . 对多变法律的社会学分析。
Creating opportunities in the midst of crises : an assessment on empress wu zetian ' s measures against the problem of vagrancy 评武周时期的逃户措施及其意义
Du fu has authored 1 , 400 - plus poems , over 70 percent of which were composed during his 11 - year vagrancy in southwest china 摘要杜甫一生创作了大量诗歌,今存一知四百馀首。
the state of wandering from place to place; having no permanent home or means of livelihood
vagrancyとは意味:vagrancy n. 放浪(性). 【動詞+】 ◆take up vagrancy (as a way of life) (生活様式として)放浪(生活)を始める. 【前置詞+】 ◆She was arrested for vagrancy. 放浪罪でつかまった ◆be reduced to a life of vagrancy 放浪生活へと追いこまれる.