Bertha thought it disconcerted him by rendering evident even to himself the vacuity of his mind . 伯莎认为这对他不利,这种情况甚至清楚地向他自己证明了他心灵的空虚。
These people are manifesting red face constitution of liver / kidney yin vacuity 表现为面色发红,肝肾阴虚的体质特征。
Starting fwg all alone , checking the vacuity achieve the rated value whether 单独启动造水机,检查其真空度能否达到规定值。
Vacuum foaming behaviour and test method of foaming vacuity of an impregnating resin 浸渍树脂的真空沫化特性及其沫化真空度试验方法
Cases of chronic fatigue syndrome in dual vacuity pattern of spleen and kidney treated by pricking and cupping 刺络拔罐治疗脾肾两虚型慢性疲劳综合征50例临床观察50
The sky wore , in another colour , the same likeness ; a white vacuity of countenance with the lineaments gone 天上也同样凄凉,只是颜色不同而已那是一张五官俱无的空洞洞的白脸。
At present mostly investigation of real estate is about house and is vacuity on the market and location of commercial real estate 目前对房地产的研究大多集中在商品住宅方面,对城市商业房地产的开发与布局的研究近乎空白。
The tape - like surface of the road diminished in his rear as far as he could see , and as he gazed a moving spot intruded on the white vacuity of its perspective 他只见身后的那条大路像一根带子,越远越细,但是当他向后看的时候,在那条空旷的白色大路上出现了一个移动着的小点。
The process which the students fill the vacuity dot according the text meaning by creating and assuring , just is about a sort of process of the science searching of the text . second , subjectivity 学生对文本意义上的空白点进行创造性填补和确定的过程,正是一种对文本进行科学探究的过程。第二、主体性。
Professor yang diagnosed yin and yang vacuity prostatitis , made him taken powder and capsules , the symptoms disappeared and illness was cured . the patient married beared a son the second year , for appreciation , he presented a silk banner wrote " modern huatuo , effect a miraculous cure and bring the dying back to life 杨教授诊断为两虚型前列腺炎,他服用散剂排出前列腺湿热毒素配合外用药后症状消失病情痊愈,第二年即生一子,他送来“当代华佗,妙手回春”的锦旗以示感激。