Nwis water data ? usgs site with surface and ground water data for us 美国地质勘探局站,收录有美国地面及地下水数据资料。
This usgs survey missed the chemicals of perhaps greatest concern : antibiotics Usgs的调查中,少了一项可能最让人关切的化学物质:抗生素。
Government branches including usgs , census , u . s . forest service , noaa , national park service and others 包括地图黄页公交换乘空中视角驾车出行等栏目。
Ross stein a geophysicist with the usgs in menlo park calif . said the swell amounted to " a surfable tsunami . 斯坦的地球物理学者说,这些巨浪仅是“适合冲浪的海啸” 。
Be capable of links to : urban groundwater database , usgs water resources information & www virtual library ? environment 可以联接到城市地下水数据库, usgs水资源数据和全球信息网虚拟图书馆-环境等。
The u . s . geological survey usgs released an extremely popular global dem data set into the public domain several years ago 前几年,美国地质调查局( usgs )向公共领域发布了一个非常受欢迎的全球dem数据集。
U . s . government map portal providing access to many government branches including usgs , census , u . s . forest service , noaa , national park service and others -包括地图黄页公交换乘空中视角驾车出行等栏目
Prof lin hui toasted with prof lawrence j lau , vice - chancellor of cuhk and ms barbara ryan , associate director for geography of usgs 林珲教授向美国地质调查局副局长barbararyan女士、中大校长刘遵义教授等嘉宾祝酒。
Ross stein , a geophysicist with the usgs in menlo park , calif . , said the swell amounted to " a surfable tsunami . 一名加利福尼亚门罗帕克市美国地质勘测局名叫罗斯。斯坦的地球物理学者说,这些巨浪仅是“适合冲浪的海啸” 。
The quake hit at a depth of about 15 miles and was centered off the coast of sanriku in northern japan 330 miles east of tokyo the usgs said 美国地质勘测局说,这次地震源位于地下15英里处,震心位于日本北部的三陆海岸外,距离东京330英里。