Mr. hopkins has been unsparing of his own health . 霍普金斯先生曾经不惜牺牲他自己的健康。
Only by reading between the lines can one follow the unsparing analysis beneath the imperturbable surface . 只有从字里行间体会言外之意,读者才能理解在不动声色的表面底下隐藏着的毫不留情的分析。
i have written this unsparing personal description of the führer as i saw him in his headquarters. 我把我在最高统帅部里所目睹的情况写成下文,作为我个人对元首的不留情面的描述。
Nijinsky was unsparing in his demands for perfection 尼任斯基对演技精益求精一丝不苟
Nijinsky was unsparing in his demands for perfection 尼任斯基对演技精益求精一丝不苟
< uk > i have written this unsparing personal description of the f hrer as i saw him in his headquarters . < / uk > < uk >我把我在最高统帅部里所目睹的情况写成下文,作为我个人对元首的不留情面的描述。 < / uk >
As the judges of the man booker prize recognised this week when they placed “ the emperor ' s children ” on the long list for the 2006 award , the surprise here is that such an obvious and overworked clich can be transformed into so intelligent and unsparing a piece of fiction 本周当布克奖的评委把“国王的孩子”列入了2006年长长的获奖名单时,让人惊奇的是,这么明显的老掉牙的故事居然能被写成一部如此聪明与犀利的小说。
not forbearing; ruthless; "an unsparing critic"
very generous; "distributed gifts with a lavish hand"; "the critics were lavish in their praise"; "a munificent gift"; "his father gave him a half-dollar and his mother a quarter and he thought them munificent"; "prodigal praise"; "unsparing generosity"; "his unstinted devotion"; "called for unstinting aid to Britain" 同义词:lavish, munificent, overgenerous, too-generous, unstinted, unstinting,
unsparingとは意味:unsparing adj. 惜しまない. 【+前置詞】 ◆He was unsparing in his offers of help. 惜しまずに援助を申し出た She was unsparing in her praise. 彼女は称賛を惜しまなかった ◆be unsparing of oneself 骨身を惜しまない.