As the months dragged by a new fear cut into the unrelieved drabness of his life and work . 他一个月一个月挨过去,一种新的恐惧侵入了他的单调不堪的生活和工作。
A style of architecture characterized by massive or monolithic forms typically unrelieved by exterior decoration 野兽主义一种建筑风格,特点是展示未经装饰的巨大构件。
Together , they saw the worst of primordium : the disease , the violence , and the grinding , unrelieved poverty 他们就这样一起目睹了普利摩顿最阴暗的一面:疾病,暴力以及从未得到过救济的困苦生活。
There was not a tree within sight ; there was not , at this season , a green pasture nothing but fallow and turnips everywhere ; in large fields divided by hedges plashed to unrelieved levels 在眼睛看得见的地方,一棵树也没有在这个季节里,也没有一块绿色的草地那儿除了休闲地和萝卜而外,什么也没有。
A few days later , the day before the lecture in pusan . during group meditation , master attacked my unrelieved ego using manjushri bodhisattva s sword and the roaring tiger method . she had accepted my prayer 几天以后,釜山讲经的前一天,师父在共修时用文殊菩萨的智慧剑和金刚狮子吼削砍我的我执我知道她已经接收到我的祷告。
I say insufferable ; for the feeling was unrelieved by any of that half - pleasurable , because poetic , sentiment , with which the mind usually receives even the sternest natural images of the desolate or terrible 我说难以忍受,是因为即使人们看到最最严峻,荒凉或可怕的景象时,头脑里通常还有某种由于景象的富有诗意而产生的几分快意,但此情此景却丝毫引不起这种感情。
not lessened or diminished; "unrelieved suffering" 同义词:undiminished,