He sought unquestioning obedience from his staff in part to short-circuit apparently wayward presidential commands . 他要求下属无条件服从,部分原因是为了绕开总统那些显然反复无常的指示。
He demands unquestioning obedience from his followers 他要求追随者对他绝对服从
The commanding officer expected unquestioning obedience from his men 指挥官要下属绝对服从
Soldiers are expected to follow their leader with unquestioning loyalty 人们期待士兵以毫不犹豫的忠诚跟随其将领。
A person of slavish or unquestioning obedience ; a lackey 象奴隶般的人一个象奴隶一般顺从或无条件服从的人;卑躬屈膝者
These three , in all those who cherish a sincere hope and unquestioning faith in god , will be saved 因着一同为神坚定的救赎而欢呼的三部分,将一同得救。
Sir ? you repeated the old fiction that american support for israel is unconditional and unquestioning 先生?你又旧话重提,认为美国人没有条件,不问是非的支持以色列。
Yet all this unquestioning support does not mean that america will give israel absolute carte blanche to do whatever it wills 然而这些毫不犹豫的支持并不意味着美国让以色列随心所欲的干自己想干的事。
The real issue is why does so much of the world offer unquestioning support for hizbullah and unconditionally condemn israel 问题是为什么世界上有那么多对真主党不问是非的支持和对以色无条件的列谴责?
They died , unquestioning , uncomplaining , with faith in their hearts , and on their lips the hope that we would go on to victory 在他们心中,无疑的、无怨无悔的,带着信念而死;而且在他们嘴里,我们会继续迈向胜利的希望。