Unimproved properties can be mortgaged through the bank at any time 未建房地方可以在任何时候抵押给银行。
The owner still collects double rent from an opponent who lands on the unimproved properties of there complete color - group 对于没有建房的地产,拥有人依然可以收取双倍的租金,只要他拥有同一组地产。
The operation efficiency for the improved device shows that the service life is 2 times of unimproved exchanger with a high operating stability 改造后的运行效果表明,纵向翅片管式换热器的使用寿命是改造前的2倍,且运行平稳。
Unimproved properties , railroads and utilities ( but not buildings ) may be sold to any player as a private transaction for any amount the owner can get 没有建房的地产,铁路以及公共设施允许以任何价格以私人交易方式售卖给其他玩家。
This compares to the vast areas , up to 300 million hectares , of native or unimproved pastures used for grazing livestock and the 28 - 30 million hectares of sown pastures 这与近3亿公顷的天然或未改造牧场及2 . 8 ~ 3千万公顷的播种牧场的巨大面积形成了对比。
At the same time , a lot of simulation studies have been done to the hybrid intelligent controllers above mentioned , the simulation results prove better performance obtained than corresponding unimproved ones 同时作者对所提出的混合智能控制器进行了大量的仿真研究,仿真结果表明其控制效果均比相应的未改进的控制器有较大的改进。
Digital simulation shows that the improved algorithm ' s estimate mean and relative estimate er - ror are better than those of the original unimproved algorithm , so the improved algorithm can be widely used in storage reliability research 数字仿真结果显示,改进算法的估计均值和相对估计误差明显优于改进前的条件中位数算法,可广泛地应用于电子产品的贮存可靠性研究。
The linear span of the improved pc sequences is a few times as large as the unimproved by computer simulation verifying and the other properties , such as the balance , the correlation and the number counts in one family , are as same as the unimproved 改进后的相控序列线性复杂度比改进前相控序列的线性复杂度大几倍,而平衡性,相关性,每一族的序列数与改进前相同。
not made more desirable or valuable or profitable; especially not made ready for use or marketing; "taxes on unimproved land are low"; "unimproved dirt roads"
(of land) not cleared of trees and brush; in the wild or natural state; "a farm with 50 acres of unimproved and 68 acres of improved land"; "unimproved woodlands"