But this unexpected , unhoped - for , unheard - of fortune sufficed you no longer when you once possessed it ; you wished to double it , and how ? - by a murder 但当你获得了那笔意想不到的,闻所未闻的意外之财的时候,你又觉得不够了。你想要再增加一倍,用什么办法呢?杀人!
I saw even that to be thus frankly addressed on a subject he had deemed unapproachable - to hear it thus freely handled - was beginning to be felt by him as a new pleasure - an unhoped - for relief 我甚至还看到,那么坦率地谈论一个他认为不可接触的话题听这个话题任意处理开始被他感到是一种新的乐趣一种出乎意外的宽慰。
" indeed , my dear friend , " said beauchamp first , who had either the most feeling or the least dissimulation , " allow me to congratulate you ; this is a very unhoped - for conclusion of a very disagreeable affair . " albert remained silent and wrapped in thought “真的,我亲爱的朋友, ”波尚首先说,不知道他究竟是受到了怎样的感动,或是因为装腔作势, “请允许我向你道贺,对于这样一件非常难理解的事情,这确是一个想象不到的结果。 ”
so unexpected as to have not been imagined; "an unhoped-for piece of luck"; "an unthought advantage"; "an unthought-of place to find the key" 同义词:unhoped-for, unthought, unthought-of,