Two old plutonium disposal plants damaged at once by some unestablished reason 两个遗留有钋的星球被一些不明原因突然破坏。
For example , the small industrial scale ; the weak foundation of technology ; the poor commercialization and industrialization ; the lower economic efficiency ; the insufficient tech - transformation of traditional industries leads to the low - tech level of traditional industries . the above problems are mainly due to the unestablished system of tech - brought forth with enterprises as its main body ; the separation of productivity , learning and research ; the insufficient input of funds ; the poor creative ability of enterprises ; the unformed good system for the industrialization of high - tech ; the s hortage of high - tech personnel and the limited funds 二、我国高技术产业化还存在一些问题和不足,表现在产业规模小,技术基础薄弱;高技术商品化、产业化差,经济效益不高;对传统产业的技术改造不够,传统产业技术水平仍然偏低。存在上述问题是由于我国以企业为主体的技术创新体系尚未建立起来,产学研严重脱节, r & d (研究与开发)经费投入不足,企业创新能力不强,高技术产业化的良好机制尚未形成,高技术人才缺乏,以及资金的制约。
The un - institional firm dominion resulted from the possession of governmental enterprise reform unthorough and the mechanism of constraint power of principal person unestablished . so the contradict phenomenon that the administrative and firm organ have powerful controllable power to agent outwardly but feebleness in fact arised 国有公司非制度化企业主权产生的根源在于国有企业产权制度改革的不彻底,委托人的所有权约束机制未能建立,结果导致了表面上行政组织和企业组织对代理人实行双重控制具有强大控制力而实际上由于所有权约束失效致使这种双重组织控制力都是弱化的悖论。
not established; "a reputation as yet unestablished"