I was sick and tired of the unending secrecy . 我对这种讳莫如深的神秘气氛感到十分厌烦。
The glorious forms of the unending world stirred within my animated soul . 这无尽世界的灿烂形状在我激动的灵魂里跳跃。
To me the pageant of seasons is a thrilling and unending drama . 在我看来,一年四季的绚丽景色犹如一出无尽的动人的戏剧。
He said there was so much happening and the unending correspondence sometimes . 他说有时候发生那么多事情,还有没完没了的信件。
At any rate, i was very certain that i would not attempt to attain unending life . 任何情况下,我都可以斩钉截铁地说:我自己是决不会追求什么永恒的生命的。
When bertha vowed that life had lost all savour, that her ennui was unending she exaggerated as usual . 当伯莎发誓说生活失去了一切趣味,她的厌倦没有止尽时,她是和平时一样夸大其词了。
Unending subclassifications of tumors and morphologic grading have generally proved to be a sterile pathologic exercise . 对肿瘤进行无止境的分类和形态学分级证明都是一种毫无效果的病理学活动。
He always seemed to enjoy the fun of his humorous characters and had unending laughter over mr. pickwick's amusing misadventures . 他总好象爱拿他的幽默人物开玩笑,并且对匹克威克先生的好玩的不幸遭遇笑个没完。
Delegations in an unending parade-labor leaders, rabbis, businessmen, even christian clergykeep urging him to do more for the jews . 代表团络绎不绝劳工领神,犹太教士,企业老板,甚至基督教的牧师不断敦促他对犹太人高抬贵手。
continuing forever or indefinitely; "the ageless themes of love and revenge"; "eternal truths"; "life everlasting"; "hell''s perpetual fires"; "the unending bliss of heaven" 同义词:ageless, aeonian, eonian, eternal, everlasting, perpetual, unceasing,
"Unending" is the season finale of the tenth season and series finale of the science fiction television series Stargate SG-1, and the show's two-hundred sixteenth episode overall. Written and directed by Robert C.
unendingとは意味:{形} : いつまでも続く、果てしのない、永遠{えいえん}の、永久{えいきゅう}の、果てしない、終わりのない、絶え間のない、途方{とほう}もない、後を絶たない These unending problems are making me discouraged. これらの後を絶たない問題に私はがっかりしている。 --------------------------------------------...