

  • v. 以低于市价售出, 抛售( undersell的第三人称单数 )



  • 例句与用法
  • They're underselling us
  • Bob's old man, dumb-shit, undersold all of his property to ray ritchie
  • Avoid all temptations to oversell yourself but be equally careful not to undersell yourself either
  • Actually, even before the implementation of these measures, pressures on dollar underselling in china's foreign exchange market have begun to diminish
  • A third theory is that the practice arose during that period as an attempt by merchants to appear to be significantly underselling the competition while in fact lowering prices by only a small margin
  • Realize that in shareware, if your product is at all successful, there are many many many hungry people overseas who will give everything they got to match the function and design of your app and undersell you, while providing more comprehensive customer service at the same time
  • The market become divided of next year should be met more intense, what with the bank edition piece is a delegate is blue prepare a meeting to initiate more violent on attack prices, a lot of blue prepare a stock to be able to be made break up time break up again even time market performance, nevertheless the index of grail won't give the appearance that the phenomenon rises 6 years considerably so, what because the share that exceeds half above will be entered, drop for a long time is boundless xiong tu, and when the height of small blame undersell that experience mixes the stock that is abandoned by the market as these behoove 7 years 8 years, those who be faced with is the destiny of the suffers cold shoulder for a long time cannot recover after a setback that can affirm almost
  • 推荐英语阅读
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