

  • 不依惯例地
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  • 例句与用法
  • Unconventionally wonderful calligraphy - reviewing the influence of metaphysics from the point of calligraphy of jin and tang
  • They ' ve got a piece of paper , but i ' ve got a toyota . " - an unconventionally optimistic view of trade deficits , 8 november 2001
    对贸易赤字一个非常规式的乐观主义观点, 2001年11月8日。
  • The newly mellowed special one now has other issues to contend with in the unconventionally austere confines of stamford bridge
  • And it can display the status of client ' s connection and the users who connected to server as well as delete the connection that stopped unconventionally
  • This autumn fashion goes unconventionally glamorous - with an emphasis on pretty ladylike themes juxtaposed with traditional man - style cuts and fabrics
    今秋时尚有异乎寻常的魅力? ?强调将俏丽的淑女主题与传统男性化风格的裁减和布料结合起来。
  • We through the zhejiang revolutionary martyr memorial hall design , attempt " unconventionally take , ore self - satisfied " as the strategy , has carried on under a traditional region environment modernism practice
  • Here the hope is to show a few examples of unusual personalities and their eccentric behaviour , and to kindle an interest to spur others to enter the world of books , searching out their own discoveries of persons who behave amusingly and unconventionally
  • Yingxian ancient wooden pagoda is a flat - form tall building , which was formed by the superposition of monolayer temples . the height of 67 . 31 meters made it encountered two unprecedented puzzles : firstly , with the height increased whopping , wind resisting and aseismatic capability become the main question of the whole structure ; secondly , because of the weight increased unconventionally , members of the lower 1 ~ 3 floors hold overloading perpendicular to grain and they brought large vertical deformation
    相对于一般殿堂结构,高度和自重的成倍增加,使木塔遇到前所未有的两项难题:其一是因自重增加,使承受上层柱轴向荷载的梁(普拍枋和梁? )横纹局压应力成倍地超过设计强度而产生严重的压缩变形甚至劈裂,导致木塔整体竖向变位。
  • This paper analyzed shaman ' s identity of communication with spirit from an angle of structural classification , or alternative classification , confirming that the people in the tribe born unconventionally or that who can self - cured from the disease were thought as shaman with identity of communication with spirit , which was a necessary supplement to dualism in classification of levi - strauss
  • 英文解释
  • in an unconventional manner; "she always behaves rather unconventionally"

  • in an unconventional manner; "she always behaves rather unconventionally"

  • 推荐英语阅读
unconventionally的中文翻译,unconventionally是什么意思,怎么用汉语翻译unconventionally,unconventionally的中文意思,unconventionally的中文unconventionally in Chineseunconventionally的中文unconventionally怎么读,发音,例句,用法和解释由查查在线词典提供,版权所有违者必究。
