The cat stared at him from its corners, malevolent and unblinking . 猫在角落里看着他,眼睛一眨不眨,怀有恶意。
His self-analysis was unblinking 他的自剖是勇于面对现实的。
They know that with drone aircraft scanning the ground, with unblinking eyes able to see by day or night and radars that can see through cloud, they “ own the night ” 他们知道他们是“黑夜的主宰”??他们的无人驾驶飞机能扫描地面上的一切行动,不论白天或黑夜都能捕捉到一些信息,而它还拥有能透视云层的雷达装置。
At that time, i felt lonely, frustrated, and despaired, and i gazed at " the clown " with unblinking eyes . only master, with her pristine heart of a saint and child, could so perfectly portray both the sad and joyous aspects of life in this painting . the clown in the painting may have many darker hues concealed in his heart, but he still shows people his brighter side 前第一次看到小丑这幅画时,并没有特别深刻的感觉但在两年前的一次禅二,我被这幅画感动得哭了,因为那阵子我正饱受孤独和无奈的煎熬,当看到小丑这幅画时,我看得目不转睛,只有师父那如赤子般的圣人之心,才能将人生的苦乐两面,在小丑这幅画中展现得如此完美画中小丑的内心虽隐藏着许多较暗的颜色,而仍然将他光亮的一面显露出来。