- The charms of their subtlety passed by her unappreciated .
话里的微妙刻薄意味,她一概不能领会。 - This makes him feel unloved and unappreciated
这使他觉得自己没有被爱、被感激。 - They know what it ' s like to be unappreciated
因为她们亲身体验过被忽略的滋味。 - And dr . nora says that can iead to feeiing unappreciated
而且,诺拉医生说这会导致感觉自己被忽视 - When a man feels unappreciated , he stops giving support
男人如果觉得没受感激,便会停止给与支持。 - Kind of unappreciated ,
没有被认可的感觉 - Rather than feeling unappreciated by man , thrill at being used by god at all
宁可因神居然会使用我而心神荡样,不因人不欣赏我而心情沮丧。 - If you feel unloved or unappreciated , feel the love and appreciation your soul has for you
若你觉得不被爱或不被赏识,感觉你的灵魂给你的爱及赏识。 - The simplest things in life is indeed the most underrated and unappreciated , such as a simple and sincere thank you
人生中最简单的事情还真的是最不被看好与珍惜的,有如一声简单的谢谢。 - Work stress involves too much work as well as a lack of satisfaction and feeling undervalued and unappreciated