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  • 国际医学作家学会


  • Umem holders can deposit and draw their money in umem or domestic currencies at certain interest rate at any banks and / or other financial institutions
  • With 1 umem being permanently equal to 0 1 gram of gold , at any time and place or during any period of time at a certain place , the same amount of a member ' s domestic currency with which to buy 0 1 gram of gold can be exchanged for 1 umem
    在每个“货币兑换中介单位”恒等于0 1克金的情况下,任一特定时点或时段黄金市场上0 1克金价值多少某成员本币,这一数量的该成员本币即可兑换1个“货币兑换中介单位” 。
  • In the first year after this treaty takes effect , every member country is to pay 0 . 01 % of her defense expense in the monetary form of umem ; in the second year , to pay 0 . 02 % ; in the third year , to pay 0 . 03 % , … increasing by 0 . 01 point each year , up to 1 % in the 100th year , thereafter keeping unchanged ; those that join this treaty later on , should pay the same percentage as other member countries are supposed to pay that year
    本条约生效之后第一年,所有成员国应按各自当年实际防务开支的0 01 %以“货币兑换中介单位”为货币形式向基金缴款;自第二年起,每年增加0 01个百分点,至第一百年达到各成员国当年实际防务开支的1 %止,此后一直保持不变;新加入的国家,应从其加入时起,按当年既有成员已达到的比例缴款。
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