They have no rights as a uk citizen . 他们没有英国公民所享有的权利。
He was eventually banished to the uk . 最终他被放逐到英国。
Escalators are less common in uk than in the us . 比起美国来,在英国,自动调整条款不大常见。
Most uk bankers still want an air of respectability in banking . 大多数英国银行家仍然向往银行业那种高尚气氛。
Almost 20% of the uk working population did not possess a bank account . 英国的从业人口差不多有20没有银行帐户。
The european and uk banks concentrated on competition via service differentiation . 欧洲和英国的银行竞争的焦点已经集中到服务差距方面上来。
Historically these factors had led to a different attitude from the uk banking system . 从历史观点看,这些因素就导致了与英国银行不同的营销方式。
It has been suggested that the resistance to the marketing approach has been greater in the uk banking system than in the usa . 人们一般认为英国银行系统对市场营销的排斥性比美国更强。
For sliding contact, the coefficient of kinetic friction uk is defined as the ratio of the frictional force to the normal force . 滑动接触时,动摩擦系数Uk的定义是摩擦力与法向力的比率。
An analysis of education policy - making process in uk 英国教育政策的制定过程分析