Effect of therapeutics of invigorating spleen and kidney , removing blood stasis and clearing away turbidness on lipid metabolism and renal function in patiens with chronic renal failure 化瘀泄浊法对慢性肾功能衰竭患者脂质代谢及肾功能的影响
Simulate experiment , which rice wine was aerated and added with h2o2 , and the content analyses showed that the oxygen dissolved in rice wine reacting with amyloses , proteins and tannin may produce the visible turbidness ( oxidizing sedimentation ) 通过向酒体中通入空气和添加过氧化氢等模拟实验和成分分析表明,酒体中的溶解氧可与多糖、蛋白质和单宁等作用形成浑浊(即氧化沉淀) 。
muddiness created by stirring up sediment or having foreign particles suspended 同义词:turbidity,