Until the last possible moment, fragrant snow was busy overseeing the preparation of her daughter's trousseau and the gifts for the woos . 香雪自始至终忙得焦头烂额,操办女儿的嫁妆,和送给吴家的礼品。
This is called a hope chest or trousseau in french 这叫做希望之柜在法语中叫trousseau (嫁妆之意)
Wind of trousseau in current india 当前印度的陪嫁之风
The ancient french term " trousseau " literally translates to a clothing bundle 在“黑暗时代”里,人们很在意咒语和邪恶。
She will go with four big cases as her trousseaux , one of which is filled with various medicines 女孩儿的嫁妆四大箱,其中整整一箱是各种药品。
And now the trousseaus ready , what have you to wait for ? what is not ready , ill send after you “但是嫁妆准备好了,你们还要等待什么,没有准备的东西,我一定给你们送去。
As part of her dowry , the bride would bring her personal belongings or trousseau to the home of her new husband 因此,新婚夫妇的家人和朋友穿着与新娘新郎相似的服装,以此来扰乱想要伤害新婚夫妇的任何邪恶之魂。
Marya dmitryevna ordered almost the whole trousseau . on their return , she sent every one out of the room but natasha , and called her favourite to sit beside her arm - chair 她回家后,便把所有的人从房里赶出去,只留下娜塔莎一个人,叫她特别宠爱的姑娘坐在她的安乐椅上。
In ancient rome , whether having trousseau or not is an important symbol which discriminates official marriage and illegal marriage , thus the trousseau system became one important part of the roman marriage property system 摘要在古罗马,有无嫁资是区分正式婚姻与拼合的重要标志,嫁资制度由此而成为了罗马婚姻财产制度的重要组成部分。
In order to overcome the unfairness which trousseau system possibly caused , and balance benefit between marital litigant and inheritance , the roman law founded the marriage presentation and the trousseau - assess system 为克服嫁资制度可能引致的不公平,平衡婚姻当事人之间和遗产继承人之间的利益,罗马法又创建了婚姻赠与和嫁资合算制度。