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用"trashrack"造句"trashrack"怎么读"trashrack" in a sentence


  • 拦污栅


  • A brief introduction is described which indudes the state of the art of research and design about the trashracks of conventional and pumped - storage hydroelectric plants , the necessary to research the flow - induced vibration of the trashrack bar by use of hydro - elastricity similaymodel and the background of this study
  • The natural vibration spectrum curve is measured and the critical velocity to induce trashrack bar galloping is calculated . the effect of bar spacing on the bar strain and the characteristics of the exciting force are discussed . by fatigue analysis it is obtained that the service life of weld at the fixed end of the bar is about 13
    分析了发电工况和抽水工况时的振源特性,讨论了栅条净距对栅条应变的影响,按钢结构设计规范对栅条进行了疲劳计算, 1 ~ #测点处可视为不会发生疲劳破坏, 2 ~ #测点焊接处的疲劳寿命约为13 . 6年。
  • According to the gravity - elasticity similar law the model scale of bai shan pumped - storage hydroelectric plants is taken as the trashrack bar is made of zinc , the relative errors between its practical density and elastic modulus and its proper values are - 7 . 82 % and + 1 . 43 % , respectively . by lvs measuring the velocity distribution ahead the trashrack bar and on the basis of the velocity distribution the working conditions of the pumped - stroage hydroelectric plant are controled . the dynamic strain of the trashrack bar induced by flow are measured using strain slips
    选择白山抽水蓄能泵站拦污栅水弹性模型的主要比尺为_ l = 3 、 _ e = 3 、 _ p = 1 ,栅条用锌板加工而成,模型材料的实际密度和应有密度的相对差为- 7 . 82 ,模型材料的实际弹模和应有弹模的相对差为+ 1 . 43 ,用激光流速仪量测栅前流速分布,并用流速分布作为控制工况的依据,用应变仪量测栅条应变。
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