“ i will join a circus and fly away on a flying trapeze 我就要变成马戏团里的空中飞人,飞得高高的。
Trapeze at hengler s 内幕残忍透了。
Spinning plates 5 . trapeze 6 . head skill 7 . foot juggle 8 . bicycle feats 9 ending ceremony remarks : the play list is subjected to change 杂技是一种以超常的技巧为特征的表演艺术,它是在人类与自然界的斗争中发展而来的。
Ultra short micro hemlines have lead to straight and simple trapeze silhouettes that skim the body , and show a lot of leg but minimal cleavage 超短裙的裙边剪裁很简约也有收身效果,尽量的展示双腿又能尽可能的避免走光。
The oldest died in india . two are in south africa now , an another s on a whaling voyage , an one s travellin with a circus - he does trapeze work 大哥死在印度,两个哥哥目前在南非,还有一个在海上捕鲸,一个跟着马戏团旅行玩空中飞人。
Developing with a new framework without unit testing is like walking on a new trapeze wire without a net : sure you could do it , but you re going to bleed 用新的框架开发而不进行单元测试,就像不带保护网走钢丝:当然可以这样做,但是很可能会受伤。
The renowned canadian performing circus re - defines artistry in dance , trapeze work , mime , and entertainment . the performance was held at the tamar site from 25 january 2000 until april 2000 世界闻名的加拿大杂技表演团cirquedusoleil于二年一月二十五日至四月应邀来港在添马舰演出。
On top of the spectacular stage art and costume designs , the show will also feature trapeze , pole climbing , rings , contortion , unicycles , magic and some breath - taking acrobatic pointe work 空中飞人、爬竿、滚环、软功、单车技巧、魔术肩上甚至头上芭蕾等等,巧妙交织成极具视觉震撼力的魔幻剧场。
Considering the shape of quantum - wires , the modal x - ray diffraction of trapeze quantum - wire is established . the relationship between fourier transforms quantum wires shape and x - ray diffraction is presented to obtain the more exact info of parameters . so the fundamental characteristics of x - ray diffraction for quantum wire array are investigated 考虑到量于线的形状,建立了梯形量子线的x射线衍射模型,得出量子线的形状与x射线衍射之间互为傅立叶变换的关系,从模拟的结果得到更为精确的参数信息,从理论上认识了量于线阵列的x射线衍射的最基本特点。
a swing used by circus acrobats
trapezeとは意味:trapeze n. (曲芸用などの)ぶらんこ. 【形容詞 名詞+】 ◆a flying trapeze 空中ぶらんこ. 【前置詞+】 ◆fall off a trapeze ぶらんこから落ちる ◆perform on the flying trapeze 空中ぶらんこで演技をする. 【雑】 ◆a (flying) trapeze artist 空中ぶらんこの曲芸師.