In some ways the immune system may be compared to a totalitarian state . 在某些方面,可以把免疫系统比作一个集权国家。
The imposing monolith of totalitarian states often obscures their latent weaknesses . 极权国家外表堂堂的铁板一块掩盖了它们内在的虚弱。
This violent and unnatural reversal of russian policy was a transmogrification of which only totalitarian states are capable . 俄国政策发生了剧烈的和不自然的大转变,这样摇身一变只有极权国家才能做到的。
Some totalitarian states imposes embracive controls 一些极权国家实施全面控制。
Be conquested by a totalitarian government 被极权主义政府征服
of or relating to the principles of totalitarianism according to which the state regulates every realm of life; "totalitarian theory and practice"; "operating in a totalistic fashion" 同义词:totalistic,
characterized by a government in which the political authority exercises absolute and centralized control; "a totalitarian regime crushes all autonomous institutions in its drive to seize the human soul"- Arthur M.Schlesinger, Jr.
an adherent of totalitarian principles or totalitarian government