Nara currently lives and works in tokyo and tochigi 奈良美智生活和工作在东京及枥木。
The national capital region is made up of tokyo and the seven surrounding prefectures of saitama, kanagawa, chiba, gunma, tochigi, ibaraki and yamanashi 首都圈由东京都和周围的七个县?玉神奈川千叶群马枥木茨城山梨组成。
The tochigi study also cites a widely held belief that the increasing nuclearisation of the japanese family is a major cause in the increase of child abuse 这份研究也证明了另一个常见的说法,就是日本家庭日渐核心化是造成虐儿案件增加的重要原因。
In connection with traditional craft product month programmes, a regional exhibition in central japan is held annually in october . ( traditional crafts in tokyo, kanagawa, chiba, saitama, ibaraki, tochigi, gunma, niigata, yamanashi, nagano and shizuoka are displayed and offered for sale . ) (在东京、神奈川、千叶、崎玉、茨城、枥木、群马、新泻、山梨、长野、静网1都10县举办传统工艺品的展示和出售等活动。