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用"tinfoil"造句"tinfoil"怎么读"tinfoil" in a sentence"tinfoil"的同义词


  • 锡箔
  • 锡纸


  • I reached out my fist, and into mr. wigden's open hand i dumped a half-dozen cherry seeds carefully wrapped in shiny tinfoil .
  • " where do you put the tinfoil ? " a man asks
    “您把锡箔裹在哪里? ”一个男士问。
  • You can wrap it up in tinfoil
  • Drop by rounded tablespoon onto tinfoil . bake for 9 to 11 minutes or until golden brown
  • " tinfoil helps tremendously , " reports one conference call participant , who describes wrapping it around her body underneath her clothing
    “锡箔帮助很大, ”一个电话会议的参与者说,她说她把锡箔在衣服底下裹在身上。
  • While working on improvements to the telegraph and the telephone , edison figured out a way to record sound on tinfoil - coated cylinders
  • The tinfoil must completely cover an access window so that the waves must pass through them , and it is easier for them to pass through window than walls
  • Wrap the stuffed avocados in tinfoil and bake in the three litre saucepan ( with the cover on ) on a low heat until the avocado softens and browns and the cheese becomes crispy
  • In hong kong , heroin is normally consumed by injection or burning on tinfoil and inhaling the fumes through a straw or matchbox cover . heroin acts fast via either of these methods , taking 7 seconds to reach the brain after smoking or 15 - 30 seconds if injected
    上述方法,均可令海洛英的药力在极短时间内发挥效果:以吸食方法吸食海洛英,时间只需7秒,药力便可迅即直达脑部但若以针筒方式把海洛英注射入体内,其药力发挥的时间则为15 - 30秒。
  • A ti in an online mind - control forum recommends a web site called “ block emf ” ( as in electromagnetic frequencies ) , which advertises a full line of clothing , including aluminum - lined boxer shorts described as a “ sheer , comfortable undergarment you can wear over your regular one to shield yourself from power lines and computer electric fields , and microwave , radar , and tv radiation . ” similarly , a tinfoil hat disguised as a regular baseball cap is “ smart and subtle
    一位受害者在网上的一个大脑控制(精神控制)论坛上推荐了一个网站“阻止电动势” (电磁波频率) ,建议一系列的衣服,包括铝内衬短裤,如此介绍“的确,你可以穿着舒适的内衣,屏蔽普通电缆和计算机电场、微波、雷达、电视辐射” ,同样,一个内藏锡帽的普通棒球帽也是“高明的和精巧的” 。
  • 更多例句:  1  2


  • foil made of tin or an alloy of tin and lead
    同义词:tin foil,

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