" dublin city is currently like a tinderbox just waiting to explode . " ' "都柏林市现在就像个一触即发的火药箱
Referred to the crowded prison as a tinderbox of suppressed violence 把拥挤的监狱称作一个装满了被压制的暴力的火药筒
By the light of the sparks in the tinderbox bolhovitinov had a glimpse of shtcherbinins youthful face , and in a corner another man asleep 借助火星的亮光,博尔霍维季诺夫看到了手持蜡烛的谢尔比宁的年轻的面孔,在前面屋角处睡着一个人。
Thank you , stephen said , taking a cigarette . haines helped himself and snapped the case to . he put it back in his sidepocket and took from his waistcoatpocket a nickel tinderbox , sprang it open too , and , having lit his cigarette , held the flaming spunk towards stephen in the shell of his hands 海恩斯自己也取了一文,啪的一声又把盒子关上,放回侧兜里,并从背心兜里掏出一只镍制打火匣,也把它按开,自己先点着了烟,随即双手像两扇贝壳似的拢着燃起的火绒,伸向斯蒂芬。
a box for holding tinder
a dangerous state of affairs; a situation that is a potential source of violence; "the Balkans are the tinderbox of Europe"