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用"timm"造句"timm"怎么读"timm" in a sentence


  • 蒂姆
  • 季姆
  • 热电子集成微模电路


  • Director : peter timm
  • Dr . timm commented , " it was the finest orchestra i ve ever heard . the precision and sound were perfect .
  • When talking about master extemporaneously singing her own song , dr . timm said admiringly , " she did a great job !
  • Dr . timm began to talk excitedly about master , saying " she is very down to earth , very genuine , as if you have known her for a long time , even when you first meet her .
  • Dr . larry m . timm , the event s coordinator and a full professor of music at california state university fullerton , and his beautiful wife carol expressed gratitude to the supreme master ching hai international association for making the concert possible
  • In addition , participants included debbie reynolds , john moschitta , jr . , maria newman , gaelic storm , kerry walsh , mel kubik , anne marie ketchum , jerome smith , nicole campbell , steven cooper , dr . larry m . timm , the pasadena boys choir , and especially , poet supreme master ching hai , who has become popular through her highly creative poems , paintings , music , clothing designs and charitable activities
  • In this extraordinary concert , one found the most talented musicians and artists from hollywood , including producer steve cooper , director dr . larry timm , masters of ceremonies debbie reynolds and john moschitta , oscar award winning composers fred karlin and bill conti , beach boys family and friends , who were pioneers of rock and roll music in the 60 s , and the gaelic storm band that earned world - wide recognition for its performance in the movie " titanic " . the concert was held at the aged , yet charming shrine auditorium that is also the venue for the academy awards presentations
    这场超水准的世纪演出,囊括了好莱坞的最佳黄金组合,从制作人史提芬库柏活动策划人莱利提姆博士主持人黛比雷诺及约翰莫奇塔,到奥斯卡金像奖艾美奖作曲家得主菲德卡林比尔康迪, 60年代摇滚乐先驱海滩男孩家族朋友合唱团,还有因电影铁达尼号而风靡全球的盖尔风暴乐队等,皆为一时之选。



TIMM is a German language free-to-air cable and satellite service from Germany targeting gay male audiences. It was first launched on November 1, 2008.
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