
through strength中文是什么意思

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  • 例句与用法
  • We cannot achieve victory through strength of arms
  • Through strength , i gain power
  • The processes using ansys to carry through strength analysis and optimum design are introduced as a focal point
  • The processes using msc . nastran to carry through strength analysis and optimum design are introduced as a focal point
    着重介绍了应用msc . nastran对铝合金车轮进行强度分析、优化设计具体过程。
  • He knew he could not survive through strength ; he used his tactical genius to gain acceptance into a children ' s gang , and then to help make that gang a template for success for all the others
  • If we help them to face fear and show them that through strength and sharing we can overcome even the fear of dying , then we will be better prepared to face any kind of crisis that might confront them , including the ultimate reality of death
  • Analyzing the subgrade projects in the karat area through strength degradation , it reproduces the breaking and steadiness losing course in the subgrade engineering , the intensity parameter while losing steadilness , and has certain directive significance to the subgrade engineering
  • Analyzing the instance in roadbed and cutting engineering of underground karat hole through strength degradation , it reproduces the breaking and steady losing process of the roadbed and cutting the intensity parameter during losing steadily is gained , it has certain directive significance to the roadbed and cutting engineering
  • Through strength tests and xrd tests for cemented stone , the paper presents action mechanism of the nanometer materials in the cement hydration and hardening process : pozzolanic effect , filling effect , acceleration action for the cement hydration , and improving action for microstructure . from the four aspects , the modified mechanism of the nanometer silica fume and ordinary silica fume in cement paste are compared . the analysis results show that the particular properties of the nanometer silica fume include particle fineness , crystal structure and surface hydroxy , etc . a serial of laboratory tests are performed to study physical and mechanic properties of the clay with the addition of the nanometer silica fume
  • The structure novelty , medium are strong , with high efficiency through strength , performance is reliable , can apply to such departments as papermaking , textile , environmental protection , etc . extensively , low strong thick liquid material in transporting is it is it contain solid particle and fibre is it suspend the medium to mix to give to release
  • 推荐英语阅读
through strength的中文翻译,through strength是什么意思,怎么用汉语翻译through strength,through strength的中文意思,through strength的中文through strength in Chinesethrough strength的中文through strength怎么读,发音,例句,用法和解释由查查在线词典提供,版权所有违者必究。
