thence adv. 因此;〔古语〕从那里;〔罕用语〕从那时起(自那以后)。 It thence appears that 由此看来显然是。 T- it follows that 所以就…了。 I would suggest that we (should) go to the New York and thence to Boston. 我建议去纽约,然后从那里去波士顿。
The new aesthetic forms were thenceforward written off as typical aberrations of late capitalism society . 这些新的美学形式从此被当作资本主义社会后期典型的离经叛道而被一笔勾销了。
Thenceforward , if left to their own resources , they are the victims , not the masters , of their environment ; and it is a bad master 打这开始,假如他们孤立无援,他们便成为外部环境的牺牲品,环境则成为他们的主宰,恶劣的主宰。
He could hardly realize their true relations to each other as yet , and what their mutual bearing should be before third parties thenceforward 到目前为止,他还不大清楚他们两个人的真实关系,也不知道他们在其他人的面前应该怎样应付。
A veil had been whisked aside ; the tract of each one s outlook was to have a new horizon thenceforward - for a short time or for a long 一道面纱被掀在了一边从此以后,展现在他们前面道路上的,将是一种新的天地既可能短暂,也可能长久。
Thenceforward , anti - science runs to anti - scientism . contemporary anti - science decries science blindly and negates any value of science 现代反科学无视科学在物质文明和精神文明方面取得的巨大成就,一味诋毁科学,否定科学的一切价值。
John shakespeare seems to have assumed arms , and thenceforward was always entered in corporation documents as " mr " shakespeare , whereby he may be distinguished from another john shakespeare , a " corviser " or shoemaker , who dwelt in stratford about 1584 - 1592 格林对于初出茅庐的他的攻击,让人为这个青年捏一把汗,只是因为他没有读过死板的大学,也不属于贵族圈子。
To her relief , he unresistingly acquiesced ; her words had apparently thrown him back into his dream , which thenceforward seemed to enter on a new phase , wherein he fancied she had risen as a spirit , and was leading him to heaven 看到克莱尔顺从了她,一点儿也没有拒绝,她才放下心来显然他又重新回到了梦境,似乎又进入了一个新的境界,在他幻想的那个境界里,苔丝的灵魂复活了,正带着他升入天堂。
Guilty as they may be , retaining , nevertheless , a zeal for god s glory and man s welfare , they shrink from displaying themselves black and filthy in the view of men ; because , thenceforward , no good can be 他们尽管有着负罪感,然而却保持着对上帝的荣光和人类的福扯的热情,他们畏畏缩缩,不肯把自己的阴暗和污秽展现在人们眼前因为,如此这般一来,是做不出任何善举的,而且,以往的邪恶也无法通过改过来赎罪。
To her nothing already then and thenceforward was anyway able to be molestful for this chiefly felt all citizens except with proliferent mothers prosperity at all not to can be and as they had received eternity gods mortals generation to befit them her beholding , when the case was so having itself , parturient in vehicle the reward carrying desire immense among all one another was impelling on of her to be received into that domicile 就孕妇而言:产前产后均应无任何忧虑,因全体市民皆知,倘无伊等多产之母,任何繁荣皆无从实现。彼等深知只因有母性,彼等方能享有永恒与神明,死亡与出生。临盆用车辆将孕妇送到产院,其他妇女受此启发,亦纷纷渴望由该院收容。