The local composer and the amateur violinist were going to "tackle" a violin sonata by some teutonic bore . 那位地方作曲家和业余小提琴手将“啃”一首一个日尔曼讨厌鬼谱写的小提琴奏鸣曲。
The mongols defeat a polish and teutonic army , but do not ravage western europe 蒙古人击败了波兰和土耳其人的军队,但是没有蹂躏西欧。
In 1410 , the armies of poland and lithuania together defeated the teutonic order in the battle of grunewald 1410年,波兰和立陶宛的军队联合起来在格林瓦尔德会战中击败了条顿骑士团
The origins of tallinn date back to the 13th century , when a castle was built there by the crusading knights of the teutonic order 塔林的起源可追溯到13世纪,当时条顿骑士团的十字军骑士们在这里建造了一个城堡,而后这里发展成为了汉斯同盟的主要中心。
Charred linings found in the fluffiest white clouds can be found not only in present - day personal conversations but in nearly every art form throughout teutonic history 1774年,德国浪漫主义文学狂飙时期,歌德著名的《少年维特的烦恼》在发表后轰动一时,据说引起一阵自杀风潮。
Although britons are too good - natured to indulge in anything as teutonic as schadenfreude , they might be forgiven for a small smirk at the troubles of their old rivals 虽然根据英国人的本性,他们太容易沉浸在日尔曼语里所谓的“幸灾乐祸”之中,但他们也会因为对着老劲敌遇到困难时的一丝坏笑而被原谅。
Although britons are too good - natured to indulge in anything as teutonic as schadenfreude , they might be forgiven for a small smirk at the troubles of their old rivals 英国人非常好脾气,他们不会像日耳曼人那样兴灾乐祸,但是,如果他们对于一直以来的对手遭遇了麻烦进行了一下小小的嘲笑,应该也是可以被原谅的吧。