Support for large hard disks , up to 2 terabytes ( tb ) 支持大磁盘,可达2tb 。
Dean ' s server has about a terabyte of data 迪安的服务器上大约有1tb的数据
One gigabyte one billion bytes . one terabyte one trillion bytes 1个十亿位元gb 10亿元组。
Autogrow by 10 percent to a maximum of 2 terabytes the size of 以10 %的速度自动增长到最大2 tb
Recommended practical maximum for volumes is 2 tb ( terabytes ) . much larger sizes are possible 推荐实际最大的容量为2tb ,并可支持更大的容量。
Currently he improves performance of applications running in a multi - terabyte database environment 目前他从事的工作是改进运行在数个tb数据库环境下的应用程序的性能。
The kb , mb , gb , and tb suffixes can be used to specify kilobytes , megabytes , gigabytes , or terabytes 后缀kb 、 mb 、 gb和tb可用于指定千字节、兆字节、千兆字节或兆兆字节。
As database size grows into terabyte and petabyte , the time and hardware resources required will grow substantially 当数据库大小增长到gb和pb级时,所需的时间和硬件资源将极大的增长。
One gigabyte one billion bytes . one terabyte one trillion bytes . total accessible capacity varies depending on operating environment 1 gigabyte gb 10亿字节总的可访问容量的变化是根据操作环境的变化而变化的。
Terabytes of data are needed to reconstruct even small areas ; this analysis obviously needs a lot of computational power 即便对于一个很小的区域来说,也有数以tb计的数据需要重构;这种分析显然需要大量的计算能力。
a unit of information equal to 1024 gibibytes or 2^40 (1,099,511,627,776) bytes 同义词:tebibyte, TB, TiB,
a unit of information equal to 1000 gigabytes or 10^12 (1,000,000,000,000) bytes 同义词:TB,
The terabyte is a multiple of the unit byte digital information. The prefix tera means 1012 in the International System of Units (SI), and therefore 1 terabyte is , or 1 trillion (short scale) bytes, or 1000 gigabytes.