You can also see some of the overlapping and tentativeness of classifications that tend to cause problems in established oo practice 其它事物可能已经有专门的xml表示;在我们的示例中,用户对象作为单独的xml文件管理。
He must do something . he crooked the arm next to her - crooked it very slightly and with secret tentativeness , not invitingly , but just casually , as though he was accustomed to walk that way 他弯起了靠她那一边的胳膊略微一弯,悄悄地试试,并未做出请她挽着的样子,只是随随便便,仿佛习惯于那样走路。
And she is as good at finding the words men use to anaesthetise themselves in the brute callousness of war as she is at navigating the tentativeness of new lovers undressing for the first time 她可游刃有余地描写男女间首次宽衣解带时双方的试探性动作,同样,关于人类自欺欺人地对战争抱有残酷的冷漠态度,她也总能找到合适的字眼。