In the village, taxers and taxed were fast asleep 村子里的人收税的和交税的都睡着了。
The company now boasts of 60 professional staff with a wealth of experience and expertise, including 22 certified public accountants, 10 certified appraisers, 10 construction cost professionals, 5 certified taxers . in addition, the company also has invited a group of specialized technicians of various areas to take part in the auditing, appraising and verification businesses 全所拥有各类资历深、经验丰富的专业人员60余人,其中:注册会计师22人,注册评估师10人,注册造价师10人,注册税务师5人,并聘有多种学科专业技术人员参与审计、评估和鉴证工作。
Tax collection pattern is the general grasp and objective position of tax collection task under certain taxation system, it is also the management means of organized structure and choice setting with the aim of realizing taxation management scientific tax collection pattern should have the following three characteristics : first, high effectiveness, which include the cost decrease of both taxer and payer as well as the effective control on tax lost; second, legality, which include the control of 第一部分概述了税收征管和税收征管模式的内涵,并分析了优化的税收征管模式的特点;第二部分阐述了我国税收征管模式的历史沿革,并对现行税收征管模式的优缺点以及导致现行税收征管模式存在缺陷的成因进行了评析;第三部分阐述了作者对优化我国税收征管模式的对策思考。