As the shadow rises, it breaks into a cloud of tautly ribbed sail, aflame in the tropical sun 随着阴影渐升,却化为众帆如云,肋纹毕现,在热带的阳光下映出闪闪红光。
The exterior of the building has a crisp appearance, as though an outer skin were stretched tautly over the structure 这一建筑的外部有着清爽的外观,就像有一层“皮肤”紧绷在建筑上。
New carbon-core aluminum wires can be stretched more tautly than conventional copper wires and so can carry perhaps three times as much current before sagging below safe heights 新型的碳核心铝质线路能拉得比传统铜质线路更长,在安全垂挂高度内可传输的电流大约为以往的三倍。
Tight, tautly directed and far away from needless sentimentality, the convincing relationship between heart-of-gold hooker cheung and country bumpkin daniel wu is surprising in its refusal to descend into gobbledy-gook romance 黑帮鬼打鬼,聘内地杀手来港解决对头人,可要找的找不到,不想找的偏偏遇上,旺角夜幕低垂之际,黑白两道逃不脱孽缘罗网。