And with these words he disappeared behind one of the tapestried porti res 说完,他就消失在一张门帘的后面了。
The tapestried chamber 挂花毯的房间
" there must be a good deal done before it can deserve that title , your excellency , for the tapestried hangings are very old . “要称得上漂亮这两个字,得先下一番大功夫呢,伯爵阁下,因为那些门帘窗帷是太旧了。 ”
Ali reappeared for the third time , and drew back the tapestried hanging which concealed the door , to signify to his master and albert that they were at liberty to pass on 阿里第三次进屋,掀开那张掩着门的幕,向他的主人和阿尔贝示意他们可以进去。
He entered the accustomed room , and looked around him on its books , its windows , its fireplace , and the tapestried comfort of the walls , with the same perception of strangeness that had 他走进熟悉的房间,环顾四周,看着室内的书籍窗子壁炉接着壁毯的赏心悦目的墙壁,但从林中谷地进城来一路纠缠着他的同样的奇异感觉依然存在。
We mounted the first staircase , passed up the gallery , proceeded to the third storey : the low , black door , opened by mr . rochester s master - key , admitted us to the tapestried room , with its great bed and its pictorial cabinet 我们走上第一道楼梯,经过门廊,继续上了三楼。罗切斯特先生的万能钥匙打开了这扇又矮又黑的门,让我进了铺有花毯的房间,房内有一张大床和一个饰有图案的柜子。
Ali extended his hands towards the apartments destined for the fair greek , which were so effectually concealed by means of a tapestried entrance , that it would have puzzled the most curious to have divined their existence 阿里用手指了指留给希腊美人用的那几个房间,那些房间可说是和全屋的其他房间隔离的,当房门被帘子遮住的时候,人即使走遍全屋也不会发现那个地方还有一间客厅和两个房间。
E s only reply was to direct her servant by a sign to withdraw the tapestried curtain that hung before the door of her boudoir , the framework of the opening thus made serving as a sort of border to the graceful tableau presented by the young girl s picturesque attitude and appearance 海黛的答复只是示意叫她的仆人撩开那挂在她闺房门前的花毡门帘,这一道防线打开之后,就呈现出一幅美妙的少女斜卧图来。