A plague of starlings in tamworth australia has driven desperate locals to try an unusual scare tactic 泛滥的鸥鸟之灾逼得澳大利亚塔姆沃思的当地人想出了一个出奇的恐吓办法。
A plague of starlings in tamworth australia has driven desperate locals to try an unusual scare tactic 在澳大利亚的塔姆沃思的欧椋鸟苦恼让当地居民绝望的尝拭一种不寻常的恐吓策略。
A plague of starlings in tamworth australia has driven desperate locals to try an unusual scare tactic 欧椋鸟瘟疫在澳大利亚的塔姆沃思爆发,该场瘟疫使当地居民绝望不已,不得不尝试一种不寻常的惊吓欧椋鸟的手段。
The tamworth , a beautiful , long bodied , ginger pig and rare breed of today , is about the closest we have in looks to the tudor pig 现在的塔姆沃思猪很漂亮,体型长,健壮,现在这种品种已经很少了,它比较接近于英国都铎王朝时期的猪。