You have been tampering with her affections . 你一直在玩弄她的感情。
The method of theft was through tampering with meters . 盗窃的方法是在仪表上捣鬼。
I'm only trying to prove that we aren't tampering with the constitution when we try to change it . 我只是想证明:我们修改宪法,不等于是篡改。
The security extended even to the food; they had replaced the caterer lest our food be tampered with . 保安措施甚到涉及于食物:撤换了承办筵席的人,以防他在食物里做手脚。
Though gas meters were considered more difficult to tamper with, this had not deterred some ambitious freeloaders . 虽然人们认为煤气表更难捣鬼,这并没吓住那些野心勃勃的想占便宜的人。
Human beings, he feels, should not tamper with one anotherchillingworth's sin, like ethan brand's, is to have "violated, in cold blood, the sanctity of a human heart" . 他觉得人类不应互相干预--奇林沃斯的罪过,和伊桑布兰德的一样,在于"冷酷地亵渎了人类心灵的圣洁"。
Who are they to tamper with the rules of the game 他们凭什么擅自修改比赛规则?
8 pc folding star set 8 pc folding star set tamper proof 星型折迭扳手工具组8件
Have you tampered with this tape in any way 你有否从任何方面篡改过这盒磁带?
It ' s a serious offence to tamper with it . stand back 随便涂改是严重冒犯的退后