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用"talamanca"造句"talamanca"怎么读"talamanca" in a sentence


  • 塔拉曼卡


  • The initiates headed for bribri , talamanca in limon province , 230 km away from the center , and during the entire trip masters force accompanied them , making everyone feel greatly protected
    同修朝230公里外的利蒙省塔拉曼卡talamanca前进,目的地是当地的布里布里bribr 。在整个行程中,师父的力量始终陪伴著我们,使我们觉得深受保护。
  • The way to bribr according to the nec , the northern zone of costa rica , talamanca , the valley of the star and the territories surrounding the sixaola river delta were the most heavily affected by the flooding
    根据国家急难委员会提供的资料,哥斯大黎加北部地区塔拉曼卡星之谷,以及锡克绍拉河sixaola river三角洲附近的区域,是灾情最惨重的地区。
  • On behalf of the people and community of higher talamanca , bribri , costa rica , we wish to convey our sincere gratitude from the bottom of our hearts for the food and other aid that you provided us , which arrived at the moment when we most needed that blessing
    谨代表哥斯大黎加布里布里族bribri塔拉曼卡高地higher talamanca的人民与社区,表达我们内心深处最真诚的谢意,感激您在我们极需帮忙的时候,适时资助我们食粮与其他救援。
  • Back in bribr , the team met with mrs . dulcelina pez mayorga , president of the women of the talamanca region , who was very concerned about the communities deep in the mountains that had not received help in nine days . one such community , suretka , had been cut off from communications because the flooding had destroyed its two bridges
    救援队回到布里布里后,遇到塔拉曼卡原住民社区的妇女会会长dulcelina pez mayorga女士,她非常担心那些被困在深山中已经九天得不到任何援助的灾民。
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