The plane shuddered and went into a tailspin 飞机抖动起来,并失去了控制。
After a hot argument with his wife , mr . chang went into a tailspin 张先生与妻子激烈争吵后失去理智。
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The surprise passage of the law threw the online gambling industry into a tailspin 这条法律意外通过,顿时使线上赌博业陷入一片混乱。
The surprise passage of the law threw the online gambling industry into a tailspin 这个令人意外的议案的通过使得在线赌博产业突然陷入混乱。
But the trick is to do this without sending japan ' s relations with china into a tailspin 但是必须要明白,在避免日中关系陷入混乱的前提下,修宪需要技巧。
The growing conviction in the markets that the fed might be preparing for a pause sent the dollar into a tailspin this week 越来越多的市场人士认为,美联储可能准备暂停加息,这一看法促使美元上周盘跌。
But when the markets went into a tailspin in august , volatility suddenly surged ; it became much more likely that those who had previously bought options would be able to exercise them ( particularly put options , which grant the right to sell at a given price ) 但当市场在8月卷入漩涡之中时,波动性就突然暴增了;这样,那些之前买入期权的人就非常有可能去执行它(特别是看跌期权,它有权以约定价格出售资产) 。
rapid descent of an aircraft in a steep spiral 同义词:spin,
loss of emotional control often resulting in emotional collapse
tailspinとは意味:tailspin n. 〔航空〕 尾部きりもみ(落下); (経済的)混乱, 不景気; 意気消沈. 【前置詞+】 ◆The affair put me in a tailspin and I lost my composure completely. その事件で私は混乱してしまい, すっかり落ち着きを失ってしまった ◆go into a tailspin (飛行機が)きりもみを始める; 意気消沈する...