Experimental searches for tachyons have so far failed to reveal any . 对超光子的实验研究,至今还没有揭示出任何东西。
Although tachyons have never been seen in earth-based laboratories, mathematically they can exist . 尽管在地面的实验室中,从来没有发现过超光子,但从数学上说,它是可能存在的。
This paper expounded of the connotation of causality and causal anomaly ; it is pointed out that with closed systems the existence of tcahyons is compatible within the causality requirements of the theory ofrelativity , but the possibility of experimentation with tachyons beingsuitable for signaling must be excluded 摘要本文阐述了物理学中因果性和因果反常的涵义,指出在闭合系里快子的存在可以和相对论因果性要求一致,但是适合作信号的快子实验的可能性必须被排除。